How to review your PARKS DIRECT account history

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Your account’s history includes past transactions from every family member in your PARKS DIRECT household.

1. Go to and sign in to your PARKS DIRECT account.

First, select SIGN IN / REGISTER on the upper-right corner of the home page. Then enter your username and password, and select the Login button below the login boxes.

2. Navigate to the top right of the screen and click on the arrow next to your Name and Household number. A drop-down menu will appear. Proceed to click on My History under History and Balances, and you will be taken to your Account History page, where you can see a list of all past transactions for every family member in your account’s household.

3. The Module drop-down has the list of possible transactions. Select the drop-down to change which transaction module you're viewing.

For example, to see past facility reservations -- which includes park buildings, garden plots, open shelters, and picnic shelters -- select the Module box then the Facility Reservation option from the dropdown.

To view more of your account’s history, change the dates in both the Begin Transaction Date and Begin Item Date boxes. Next, select the Search button, and PARKS DIRECT will show you your account history from within the date range you entered.

If you still can't find the transaction your looking for, try using another module form the drop-down.


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